Why I Chose to Become a Mental Health Instructor

Why I Chose to Become a Mental Health Instructor

Mental health and the science of human behaviour have always been close to my heart. With a background in neuroscience and a commitment to understanding the brain, I’ve been privileged to work closely with the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery to stay...
My Journey to Workplace Wellbeing: A Reflection

My Journey to Workplace Wellbeing: A Reflection

I’ve always been deeply fascinated by human behaviour and psychology. Understanding the intricacies of the human brain has been a passion of mine since my early years. This passion naturally led me to study psychology and, later, neuroscience. I was captivated...
Mindfulness Meditation and ‘Finding Yourself’

Mindfulness Meditation and ‘Finding Yourself’

‘Finding yourself’ is a phrase that’s been coined many times over the years. In a world that, for many, has sped up, where people are working longer hours and in which communication through every type of media has expanded, the idea of having the time to ‘find...